How to Properly Burn and Maintain your Candles.
It is VERY important to keep your wicks trimmed at all times! The key to a perfect burning candle is not only how it’s made but how it’s burned. When burning a candle for the first time, it’s suggested that you burn it one hour for each inch in diameter. After lighting your candle check your flame. If your flame is more than ½ – ¾ inches long you need to immediately put the flame out and Trim That Wick! Properly maintaining your wick is a MUST and the KEY to a better burning, longer lasting candle. Allowing the wax to extend to the edges of the container and heat until it liquefies will prevent your candle from forming the “canyon” effect in the center. At this point, extinguishing the flame allows for the candles to cool completely, and gives you an even clean burn all the way through the life of your candle. By taking care of your wick and allowing your candles to melt properly your candles will burn the same way every time. Almost like the candles have a memory. When you are ready to re-light your candle, Be Sure You Trim That Wick then re-light, don’t forget to check your flame and enjoy!
Always Practice Candle Safety
when you light your candles:
Never burn your candles in any type of draft, such as ceiling fans, open windows etc. Remember to not leave your candles unattended at any time, even if they are contained in candle holders. Always remember to burn your candles in a fire proof container as well as never burn your candles near ANYTHING flammable. Last but not least, keep out of reach of children and pets.